
RomanReignsemergesforhisWWEWorldHeavyweightTitleMatchagainstBrockLesnar.HehassaidhecanbeattheBeastIncarnate,nowit'stimetoshowthat ...,SethRollinsdefeatedBrockLesnar(c)(withPaulHeyman)andRomanReignsbypinfall;TriplethreatmatchfortheWWEWorldHeavyweightChampionship·Thiswas ...,,,,,,

WWE World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match

Roman Reigns emerges for his WWE World Heavyweight Title Match against Brock Lesnar. He has said he can beat the Beast Incarnate, now it's time to show that ...

WrestleMania 31

Seth Rollins defeated Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) and Roman Reigns by pinfall ; Triple threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship · This was ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
